Welcome to EcoParent's Online Courses!

We developed these video-based courses to help you on your parenting journey. They've been developed by extraordinary experts in their fields, which means that you'll come away with information that is current, relevant, and perfect for an EcoParent like you! So far, we've produced six courses, with one more on the way soon.

Click on the course images below for more details about each course.

Kids' Nutrition Course


Kids' Nutrition

with Jess Sherman, RHN, FDN-P, M.Ed.

Ever wonder if your kid is getting the nutrition they need? Sadly, this isn't something we learn in school -- and there's so much to learn! But fear not, because Jess Sherman will fill the gaps for you in this 7-hour course.

Infant Sleep


Infant Sleep

with Julia Lagman, Infant Sleep Educator

Sleep is precious - especially with a newborn! Learn the ins and outs of infant sleep so that you can make the best choices for your family, without any 'cry it out' sleep training. There is another way, and Julia will help you find it!

Pregnancy & Birth



with Rebecca Grove & Leigh Lahti

This course was developed by babywearing educators from the Carry Me Close collective. These folks are passionate about helping you to find the carrier that's right for you, and ensuring that you use it safely!

Pregnancy & Birth


Pregnancy & Birth

with Dr. Dori Skye Engel, ND, Doula &
Natalie Tregaskiss, RM, IBCLC

This course was co-developed by a midwife and a naturopathic doula - quite a team! Their mission? To prepare you for the birth that you want to have! And they have six kids between them.




with Taya Griffin, IBCLC

This 1.5-hour course will get you off to the right start on your feeding journey. You'll feel empowered that you're providing your baby with the nutrition they need to thrive. Let Taya help you find the latch that you deserve!

Bundle of Joy


Bundle of Joy

a FIVE course bundle

With a little one on the way, there's a lot to learn and do! These five courses will keep your journey smooth, taking you all the way from pregnancy through the first year of parenthood.

Kids' Wellness


Kids' Wellness

with Dr. Leslie Solomonian, ND

This 10-hour course covers A LOT of ground. If it had been around 13 years ago, EcoParent magazine may never have been founded. Why bother, when all the answers are right here? Dr. Leslie will help you keep your kid thriving!

Cloth Diapering


Cloth Diapering

with Mira Kevic, Doula & Diapering Guru

Choosing cloth over disposables is probably the #1 best thing you could do, as a new parent, for the planet your child will grow up on. And with Mira's insight, you'll see how easy it really is to make this difference (and also give your baby the cutest bum ever!).