Grilled New Potatoes

A sure kid-pleaser!
grilled potatoes with rosemary sprigs
© Can Stock Photo / kabVisio

A smoky, satisfying side dish for a hearty campfire meal. A sure kid-pleaser is to serve these up with homemade ketchup or a dip like hummus.

Grilled New Potatoes


  • 1 lb new potatoes
  • 3 tbsp olive oil, coconut oil or butter
  • ¼-½ tsp sea salt , cracked black pepper to taste
  • Optional seasonings: 3 garlic cloves, sliced; rosemary or thyme (1 tsp); or a pinch of paprika
  • Heavy duty tin foil


  1. Light a fire under your fire pit grill, and let the fire burn down somewhat to make a nice bed of hot coals with low flame.
  2. Slice the potatoes into ½-inch thick slices using a sharp knife.
  3. Coat the potato slices in a mix of olive oil, coconut oil, or small cubes of butter, along with sea salt, ground pepper and some rosemary if you like.
  4. Lay potato slices in the center of a piece of heavy-duty foil.
  5. Create a foil pouch by bringing the cut ends of the foil together and folding them, leaving a bit of space in the pouch for air and expansion.

Place the foil pouches of sliced potatoes onto the grill over a campfire in a spot without direct flame. Turn the potato pouches halfway through the cooking process with tongs. Cook for roughly 30 minutes, until done.