Vitamins and Supplements for Winter Wellness

natural tips and immune boosts for the cold and flu season
immune system vitamins habits cold flu
© CanStock Photo Inc. / gajdamak

Don’t let those winter colds and flus get you down! Beat the viruses that the season brings before they take hold by strengthening your family’s immune systems. With a little bit of knowledge, some simple lifestyle changes, and a few immune boosters at the ready, you can enjoy the chilly weather without the extra challenge of illness!

Healthy Habits for Prevention

A few simple tips and tricks will go a long way in keeping everyone feeling their best during the cold and flu season. Here are a few of our favorites!

Regular hand washing

Regular hand washing is a simple and effective way of preventing colds and flus. Teach kids proper handwashing technique: wet hands, apply soap, lather forat least 20 seconds while rubbing fingertips, between fingers, under nails, and back of hands, then rinse and dry. Also, make sure to wash hands before going to the toilet, before eating, and after sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose, and touching surfaces in public spaces. Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, and mouth!).

Get more restful sleep

Getting your zzzz’s isn’t just to make sure you don’t fall asleep during class or that big meeting, it’s key for good health and immunity. Create the perfect sleep space by providing a cool, dark, quiet room that’s technology-free.

Reduce sugar in your diet

Ditching the sugar gives our immune systems the chance to fight off bacteria and viruses. Regularly indulging in processed foods and any one of the over 50 forms of sugar available negatively impacts our health. Load up on whole foods, fruits, and veggies instead!

Winter wellness: key vitamins and supplements 

Round out your family’s wellness routine with a few key herbs, vitamins, and minerals that help promote a healthy immune system and keep your body in battle-ready form!


Astragalus is a powerful adaptogen that helps to protect and support the immune system, including infection prevention (and it’s a great stress reliever too!). A word of caution: don’t use it if an active infection is occurring.


Echinacea possesses antimicrobial properties that can support the immune system. It’s especially good at targeting upper and lower respiratory conditions like the common cold.


Elderberry is an antiviral that enhances the immune system, making it great for fighting colds and other acute viral infections. This tasty botanical is popular with kids and can be given as a syrup, a tincture, or in some DIY elderberry gummies!


Probiotics can help ensure that we have the right bugs in our gut, and since 75 percent of our immune system is found in our microbiome, this is especially important. Foods that naturally contain probiotics—like kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and yogurt—are all great daily add-ins to your family’s diet. If a supplement is needed, talk to your naturopathic doctor to find which strain is right for you or your child.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps your white blood cells fight off bacteria and viruses. If you become deficient, you may be more vulnerable to colds and flus. Foods like citrus, peppers, and broccoli are all rich in C.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps your immune system function at its best. Make sure to add egg yolks, fatty fish, fish liver oils, and/or a quality supplement to make sure your family is getting enough!


Zinc is naturally found in the body and is involved in immune cell production and function. A powerful anti-inflammatory, zinc can also be found in seafood, animal products, legumes, leafy greens, and root vegetables. 

Note: Before adding herbs or supplements to your wellness kit, speak with your naturopathic doctor to determine if they’re right for you.

You may also enjoy: Tips for a Happy and Healthy Immune SystemFlavorful Immune System Boosters and Seven Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System